On y va – auf geht's – let's go!

Initiators and promoters

On y va - auf geht's - let's go! was a Robert Bosch Stiftung programme, run jointly with the Deutsch-Französisches Institut (dfi), which acted as project coordinator.

Robert Bosch Stiftung

The Robert Bosch Stiftung is one of the largest company-based charitable foundations in Germany. It was created in accordance with the company founder Robert Bosch's (1861 – 1942) will. Since its establishment in 1964, the foundation has supported a wide range of projects. One of its primary areas of interest is encouragement of civil society initiatives in Germany and Europe.

The Team

On y va – auf geht’s – let’s go! was coordinated by a dfi- team.

Deutsch-Französisches Institut
On y va
Asperger Str. 30
71634 Ludwigsburg

Bénédicte King

Bénédicte King
Tel.: +49 7141 9303 20
E-Mail: info@dfi.de

Susanne Binder

Susanne Binder:
Tel.: +49 7141 9303 36
E-Mail: info@dfi.de




Deutsch-Französisches Institut DFI

The Deutsch-Französisches Institut was established in 1948. Founder members included Theodor Heuss (later the first president of the Federal Republic of Germany), and Carlo Schmid. Its main objective is the advancement of Franco-German cooperation in politics, business, academia, and in particular between non-governmental groups. It sees Franco-German relations as the heart of an increasingly European-wide cooperation.